Exploring the diversity of the Americas: Virtual Cook Along

Hola amigos!

As we journey from the Willamette to the Laja and from Cape Columbia to Cape Horn, we will have the opportunity to witness the amazing diversity that the Americas have to offer. From the tropical lush rainforests of the Amazon basin to the rugged glacial peaks of the Andes, and from the bustling cities of North America to the quiet fishing villages of the Caribbean, the Americas are home to an incredible range of climates, ecosystems, and cultures that make it one of the most fascinating and diverse continents in the world.

We believe that food is a powerful medium to connect people, celebrate diversity, and raise awareness about important issues. Over the coming year, we will be holding several virtual cooking events that highlight traditional dishes from different countries throughout the Americas. By doing so, we hope to not only showcase the amazing flavors and ingredients of these countries but also honor the incredible diversity in our world

Our first virtual cooking event will take us to the beautiful country of Ecuador, which is located on the western boundary of South America and is known for its incredible biodiversity and rich traditions. Ecuador is home to four distinct bioregions, each with its own unique flavors and ingredients: the coast (la costa), the Andes (la sierra), the Amazon (Amazonía), and the Galápagos (insular).

On the menu for this event, pictured below, are three delicious dishes that highlight the unique flavors and ingredients of Ecuador. From the crunchy patacónes with cheese and ají that are popular in the Amazon and highlands, to the rich encocado that is a staple on the coast, participants will be able to delve into the diverse and delicious cuisine of this beautiful country.

A chef from Ecuador will guide us through the process, sharing tips, tricks, and chef secrets along the way. All of the necessary equipment, ingredients, and recipes will be provided beforehand, along with a prep list and shopping list.

The virtual cooking event is not just about cooking, it's also about learning. As we cook, our Ecuadorian chef will share with us the historical and cultural significance of each dish, as well as interesting facts and stories about the natural history and humanities of Ecuador. If you prefer not to cook, you can still participate and enjoy the immersive cultural experience.

Registration is easy, and all proceeds from the event go towards supporting the Willamette-Laja Twinning Partnership and our commitment to promoting watershed restoration through full lifecycle restoration, engagement, education, and economic development with rural and urban Latinx communities in Oregon and Mexico.

So whether you're a foodie looking to explore new flavors or someone who is passionate about supporting Latinx communities and environmental conservation, our virtual cooking event is the perfect way to get involved and make a difference. We can't wait to see you there!

Be sure to provide your email address during registration to receive menu updates and additional information leading up to the event on April 22. For more information about the Willamette-Laja Twinning Partnership, please visit our website at www.willamette-laja.org.

click to learn more and rEGISTER NOW!